View Profile Rabbit-Foot-Lock

5 Movie Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Wow. A new group... I think...

That doesn't spam? And atoms? Yes. I WILL ALLOW YOUR FLASH TO PASS, GOOD SIR. Five all the way.

SovietAtom responds:

I feel most dignified, my lord.

I saw that...

Underneath his grave it said the true meaning of the flash.

WHO THE **** CARES, SOCOM SQUAD. Unless of course, Turnip died IRL.

And then...

Right before the duck slaughtered me and my legion of 1000 newborn puppies I got some pepper from the grocery store and ate the duck. The eNd.

Awesome movie, ten almost all the way. Overall is my vote.

MasterLock responds:

If you loved it so much, why did you 5 it?

Just because you downvoted, dosn't mean I will.

Graphics and Style four because i've seen a similar style ALOT. That and the fact you used Shark Locks OWN Drawing. Sound was good, but this wasn't funny, sorry.

Tails-Lock responds:

i know, i can't do funny flash... and i was just too lazy to make a good shark.fla. i really should've made one but i was worried about not finishing it in time.


This is a very good flash, don't listen to 8i11yb0b or whatever, he is just a noob without the ability to offer proper critique. I would use voices instead of text, and if you don't have a mic, look for a text to speech program. It should help you with future flash.

MissTarot responds:

Thank you for your review. I just did that flash because my friends and I like making stories. I'll take your advice and look for a text to speech program so I can use it on episode three since I've already done a little bit on episode two. Also, your right, 8i11ybob(what kind of name is that?!) he is a n00b!


Dystopia-Lock @Rabbit-Foot-Lock


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The Worst School Ever

Maple Ridge, BC

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